Monday, September 30, 2013

World Wide Web

The future of the world wide web looks like it has a much more innovative, and even more personal touch than ever before. In the article "Google’s New Director Of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, Is Building Your ‘Cybernetic Friend,’ it talks about how Google wants to build a feature that not only helps you (think Siri), but also get to know you and be your personal "friend." This potentially has the ability to know you better than anyone else...possibly even yourself. While that sounds cool, it's also a little scary...especially when it comes to Google. Before you know it, 3rd party advertisers may also know you better than they already do as well.

Speaking of changing the web, Facebook did so back in 2006 when it became a hit sensation on the web. According to the article, Facebook search: Facebook adding search feature," it talks about how now Facebook will be adding a search feature, which it partially already has now. You may have the ability now to find people around the world who share the same interests with you. It almost sounds like a dating service, but it sounds a little cool.

Finally, we talk about "the cloud." The cloud is nothing more than just storage. What's nice is that it's not stored on any device...just up in cyber space. You can access these files whenever you want, even to other people (provided that they know all the login information. It's changing how people save, store, and even restore files.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Personally, I think a course can help get someone into blogging. Many courses could integrate it pretty easily. For example, a journalism class could use blogs to make classmates find out news about their local area and report on it within the blog. The teacher can then go in and make sure they are following all the aspects of effective journalism. Another example could be a public relations class. You could use a blog to create mock press releases, and teachers can go in to see if students are writing them correctly. For this class, they can be used to submit homework assignments as posts, and we can go to each blog and respond. This could be nice because each blog has kind of a personal spin of the user in it, so we could get to know something personal about that student that they might like to do, enjoy, etc. However, it may be a little difficult for the instructor to go to each blog and make sure that the students commented on at least two.
Hello all! My name is David Dahlman. This blog was made for one of my classes at Northeastern Illinois University. You may be asking yourself, "what's with all the roller coaster stuff?" Personally, I'm a huge theme park and roller coaster nerd. I love traveling to park and riding coaster with my friends. It's defiantly something I love doing, which is why I've made this blog "Coaster Alley!"