Sunday, October 6, 2013

Social Media

I think social media to dramatically changed how people do things, communicate, and possibly overall live. In the article "How can we measure the influence of the blogosphere," it talks about all the different effects blogging has made. It has affected how journalism, politics, and all mass media works now. I'm on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and Vine. I actually use all of them quite frequently, with the exception of Linkedin, which I check about once a month. I like all of them because each of them allow me to express my self each in a different way. For example, I can express my life in photos on Instagram. On Facebook, I can allow all of my friends to see what I'm proud of and what I like, or even find out more about me. Social media has even changed how we communicate in the classroom as well. In the article "Professor encourages students to pass notes during class--via Twitter," it mentions how a professor allows students to tweet to each other as he is talking. He thinks that this allows ideas to flow and can help students. We have tried to use Twitter in class, and it kind of upsets me that we don't use it more often.

A virtual life is basically a creation of you...but a 3D rendering of you through the computer. You can "live" basically any way you want. You can be whoever you want to be...or at least your rendering. You can use them to hold online meetings, or even in chatrooms. If I were to be in a virtual world, I would like to be rich or a movie actor. Obviously I would like to be that in real life, but it's not quite as hard in a virtual world.

1 comment:

  1. I have actually never used Linkedin either, I would like too, but I do agree with you, social media has indeed revolutionized our way to communicate.
